LDH has been ABSOLUTLEY correct and factual in her messages during this thread. White America wants the whole issue to go away, like the treatment of Japanese. However, the Japanese were not whipped, or forcibly raped or sold or broken into fragments instead of whole families.
They were also provided public schooling inside the internment camps. Those camps were not DisneyLand, but they weren't Auschwitz either.
The meer fact that Whites Americans have the audacity to complain about slavery reparations angers me to no end! Someday, the colors of this world's power, that's right I said it, the color of this world's power is going to change.
I wonder how many would have survived had the shoe been on the other foot? Has anyone here ever received 25 lashes for looking someone in the eye, accidentally? How about selling your children or wife? Can the master rape your wife because he likes her backside?
No wonder the militant Arabs hate America. They don't hate ethnic americans, or african americans or even hispanics and asians, it is the white WASP majority that continues to profit from it's inherited legacy of subjugation and exploitation of people of color that angers most Arabs, and other oppressed people in this world.
Those who think they actually deserve the freedom and lifestyle they now have, because they really believe they earned it through hard work. Not one thought given to the millions who perished in the Black Holocaust, or the millions who perished building the infrastructure and institutions of this country - FREE of charge, so they would exist.
I am so angry I can't even think in a civil fashion.